الأحد، 15 نوفمبر 2015

Requiem Aeternam Paris.

Requiem Aeternam Paris.

France is a monstrous state , its history is a series of blood-shedding, massacres, looting and occupation,  from the crusades. To this very day,  it's astonishing how through media you can brainwash entire nations to forget - or rather conceal - this dark and bloody history, so they speak about Paris the city of light, light that has been lit by looting, killing , and occupying other nations.  The city of light should rather called the city of darkness to be in concert with its action , for where they go, they bring death and destruction.

the last attack of Islamic State is nothing to compare with what these people call themselves "Les Françaises" and their terrorist state had done and still do to humanity , to Muslims, to Africans etc .This terrorist nation has slaughters enslaved looted millions of innocent people around the globe, today they represent themselves as civilized and peaceful nation. And in the same time bomb and kill children ;women and men in Syria and Mali and give help to dictators in Egypt ,Tunis, and  Algeria  etc....., this terrorist nation has to pay the price for their crimes,  the blood of these terrorists french people has to be shed for the atonement of their atrocious crimes .

I listen to idiot people who speak about innocent civilians,  peaceful harmless people, and how Islamic State targeting them in the most inhumane and barbaric way,  actually these idiot people make me laugh for they -beside being idiots- are comedians.

The whole world watch for years how hundreds of thousands of really innocent kids and women.  either had been raped or  their brains blown out Of their skulls, their homes and lands bombed to ashes , their plants and animals burned to death , and by whom you say,  by the dictators the “Civilized People” support,  that they give arms and all what it takes to subjugate people for the interest of the west so that this terrorists and barbarians western people live in secure and luxurious life.

And what these peacefully  harmless  people has done to stop that, actually nothing-  understandably because they benefits from this war- their luxury depends on it .

But to be fair some hundreds of people went for demonstrations for hour or two,  and that's it,  but they stop their countries from waging war on innocent people, No! ; did they stop their countries even from supporting dictators who killing innocent people for the sake of their countries interests, also No!,  so why call these western people  innocent you idiotic comedians!!!!

The history has come to full circle,  it’s time for the west to pay for  their barbaric and most heinous crimes that history ever known,  the so called western civilization is on the verge of total collapse under the weight of its barbarities.

Islamic state has the right -from both religious and humanistic view- to defend itself against the new crusade, our war is legitimate and justifiable , but yours are illegitimate and barbaric  , so prepare for your doom ô westerns.

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